Shirodhara : Sacred Oil Meditation

Shirodhara sacred oil meditationDrift into a world of peace and tranquility

A unique and exquisite relaxation experience evocative of deep meditation. A face massage followed by a warm breeze of fragrant oil soothingly poured over the forehead induces profound relaxation and contentment. This divine treatment leaves your face younger looking and gleaming with tranquility.

In the Eastern tradition the mind is like a budding flower waiting to open. Shirodhara activates the chakras – our life energy centres – which gently opens up the petals of our mind. An exceptional experience not to be missed.

Highly effective in alleviating stress, anxiety, depression and stress related disorders such as insomnia and headaches.

Duration: 1 hour

Price: £60.00


AnxietyDepressionEpilepsyHair LossHeadachesHypertensionInsomniaMigrainesStress